Monday, January 10, 2011

potatoes: sweet/org. red potato blend with Kumquat citrus

ok, so there's a tree that grows on a small side street that takes me from home to the P.O. and...... There is a lovely kumquat tree and i pick them. no one else does. so i take a dozen and wash them, put them in a fun vessel, and once in a while use them. I will grab one and eat it, cut in half and place in my hot tea, and tonight i am making:


I BOILED ONE THANKSGIVING SWEET POTATO I FOUND AND CUT OUT BAD PARTS AND QUARTERED And CUT AGAIN. I HAD THOSE LOVELY SUPER CRISPY RED ORG. POTATOES, (2 SM.). Placed in filtered salted water and bring to boil, then turn off heat and let sit. Then about 1/4 teaspn rosemary (dried from fresh at home) any kind is good though. then when ready you'll strain, a dab of butter, drizzle of olive oil, and zest some kumquat skin (nice and sweet) and the juice (very sour).. how awesome, Optional: add some cinnamon and/or cayenne, amounts (simple tap and add tap at a time per taste).

just oil an all clad pan, heat and put the feta/spinach turkey burgers, (they use dark meat, white meat is a lot more expensive) try to brown a lot before turning and put a lit on it to add moisture when needed.

well, need the greens and they are in the freezer so i should use them NOW. Dali Museum is on T.V right now, it is amazing and his ultimate revenge to the art world as dennis says. the new caster is wearing a fake moustache. ok.
so i put a couple tablespoons of water in my frozen spinach in a big bag in a glass pot with a lid and put in microwave for
1 minute.
re-visit and break up last of the frozen and mix with defrosted and toss it around, microwave another 1 minute.
now when you get back to it , drain the spinach. keep water if you want to build a STOCK. put back in pot and add a dab of butter, drizzle olive oil, salt and cayenne amounts to be kept at a minimum. gentle.

Now we have our food in our 3 pots/pans and now we can do something else, dinner is ready. I am writing in my blog before eating, so i guess i have faith it's gonna be really good. if not .....
so enjoy the winter weather....
write me if anyone is out there....

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